With all the fuss about the AIG bonuses, the finger-pointing and blame game begins. Democrats blame Republicans, Bush and de-regulation. Republicans blame Democrats, Geithner and Obama. It is a total smoke-screen to allow billions and billions of our money to go unsupervised out the door to other corporations and financial institutions. Even the bonuses themselves are only a tenth or so of the total amount given to AIG. The real problem? Greed.
The greedy, powerful people in Washington and Wall Street, Republicans and Democrats, have taken much more power than the Constitution allows. In doing so, they have stolen our money. Taxes must eventually rise in order to pay for the deficits. And what about the national debt? When will we start paying that off?
This process of misrepresentation will not stop until the American people awake from their apathetic slumber. Instead of watching "Dancing With the Stars" or "The Biggest Loser", read the newspaper. Instead of spending time on Facebook or playing video games, check out online periodicals. It is not until then the we the people will change this unconstitutional process of elected officials serving only themselves and campaign contributors.
There is a movement starting. Citizens are planning on sending a bag of tea to Washington in April to protest the misuse of our taxes. Send one in if you support less taxation and more representation.